Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Free Range Fraud

The RSPCA is deceiving consumers and profiting from animal suffering. Animal Liberation Victoria has been investigating the RSPCA Approved Farming Scheme, from which the RSPCA receives royalties, for the last 14 months. Over this time we have uncovered heartbreaking animal cruelty and filthy living conditions on RSPCA Approved Farms. ALV's investigation has clearly exposed the fraudulent nature of this scheme.
Pig farms that have been approved by the RSPCA have failed to provide every one of the “five freedoms” animals are entitled to under the RSPCA's Approved Farming Scheme. During our investigation 18 pigs were rescued, they suffered various injuries and illnesses including pneumonia, broken legs, cerebral palsy, testicular hernias, open necrotic wounds, septic arthritis, vaginal prolapses, and failure to thrive due to skeletal deformities. We routinely saw pigs living chest deep in their own excrement. We also repeatedly found corpses in various stages of decay, and dead pigs being cannibalised.

Sadly many of the pigs we rescued did not live, even with the best care. Those who survived are now living happy free lives in loving sanctuaries.

People are rightly outraged at the appalling conditions the majority of pigs suffer in today's industrialized 'factory farms', yet many are unaware of the immense cruelty that is part and parcel of the ‘free range’ farm industry. Our investigation has shown that pigs being bred and killed as part of the RSPCA Approved Farming Scheme are living lives of misery in disgusting unsanitary conditions.

Pigs are highly intelligent social animals with the ability to feel both pain and pleasure. They are not ‘things’ for humans to breed, slaughter, consume and profit from.

Free range is a fraud that is betraying the animals and the public. Don’t buy the lies! Take action now… freerangefraud.com

Monday, October 28, 2013

Great Conversation with Karen Davis

Karen Davis, PhD, President
United Poultry Concerns
PO BOX 150 • Machipongo, VA 23405
757-678-7875 • Fax: 757-678-5070
www.upc-online.orgKaren Davis is the founding editor of Poultry Press, the quarterly magazine of United Poultry Concerns, chosen one of the BEST Nonprofit Publications in North America by UTNE magazine.
“Thanks to Karen Davis, chickens and turkeys are now front-and-center on the animal rights agenda.”
– Norm Phelps, The Longest Struggle, 2007
UPC President Karen Davis, PhD, New Revised Edition, 2009.
To learn more, click on press release.

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Thursday, October 24, 2013

Great Conversation with Host Michael and guest Jeffrey Moussaieff Masson


Jeffrey Moussaieff Masson is a writer who lives with his family in New Zealand. He has a 39-year-old daughter, Simone, who who recently became board certified as a Nurse Practitioner in Gerontology. His wife Leila is a pediatrician and they have two sons: Ilan and Manu. They live on a beach in Auckland with three cats and Benjy the Failed Guide Dog - the hero of Jeff's book - The Dog Who Couldn't Stop Loving.
Jeff has a Ph.D. in Sanskrit from Harvard University. He was Professor of Sanskrit at the University of Toronto. While at the university he trained as a Freudian analyst (from 1971-1979) graduating as a full member of the International Psycho-Analytical Association. In 1980 he became Project Director of the Sigmund Freud Archives.
Given access to Freud's papers in London and the Library of Congress, his research led him to believe that Freud made a mistake when he stopped believing that the source of much human misery lay in sexual abuse. Masson's view was so controversial within traditional analytic circles that he was fired from the archives and had his membership in the international society taken away. Janet Malcolm has written a book about this episode (In the Freud Archives - the subject of a libel suit by Masson) and Jeff has published a series of books critical of Freud, psychoanalysis, psychiatry and therapy.

Jeffrey and his family
Skeptical that humans could be understood (at least by psychologists) Masson turned to animals. In 1995 he published When Elephants Weep, an international best seller, followed by the equally popular Dogs Never Lie About Love.
Since those two books he has published 7 more books about animals, looking in every one at their emotions: About cats he wrote The Nine Emotional Lives of Cats (along with a fable, The Cat Who Came in from the Cold); He looked at fatherhood in the animal world and the lessons to be learned for humans in The Evolution of Fatherhood; writing about the emotional world of farm animals in The Pig Who Sang to the Moon turned Jeff into a vegan.
Lately he wondered why animals did not engage in genocide, and wrote Raising the Peaceable Kingdom. He wrote an encyclopedia of his 100 favorite animals (often with an animal-rights angle) called Altruistic Armadillos - Zenlike Zebras. His next most recent book is The Face on Your Plate - The Truth About Food
His most recent book, Dogs Make Us Human, about the evolution of dogs and humans in tandem, was published in September 2011.
Jeff’s new book is called Beasts: What Animals Can Teach Us About the Origins of Good and Evil. It is due out in March, from Bloomsbury USA. It is available for pre-order from Barnes & Noble.
Leila, and Jeff are vegans. Manu, Ilan and his rat are vegetarian. Their three cats could not be persuaded to follow either philosophy, and are, alas, carnivores. Benjy could be a vegan, but Jeff feels that he should not force him into this lifestyle, which should be a choice.

What I Believe

Cat and Mouse
I believe that in 500 years (maybe less) people will look back on us and wonder about many things. No doubt behavior we consider normal today will inspire horror in our more enlightened successors. War, for example. But I also think they may believe our disdain of insects is incomprehensible. Perhaps they will marvel that we could so easily cut down trees and perhaps even flowers.
I am completely opposed to any form of animal exploitation, including animal experimentation, keeping animals in zoos or in circuses, (indeed any form of captivity for animals), the use of leather, fur, wool and silk. I am even questioning my use of hearts of palm and maple syrup (thinking about the wounds necessary to create the sap). I also have begun to wonder whether any domesticated animal can lead an ideal life in the company of humans. Cats seem to me to come the closest, when they are able to wander freely and in safety.

Friday, October 11, 2013

Great Conversation with Sarah Woodcock from The Abolitionist Vegan Society

Today a Great Conversation with Theresa, Michael and Sarah Woodcock from The Abolitionist Vegan Society.

The mission of TAVS is a grassroots movement of abolitionist veganism around the world that reflects recognition of the moral personhood of nonhuman animals.  Creative nonviolent vegan education is the foundation of our movement.

TAVS core value is nonviolence which necessitates veganism and the rejection of all oppression which is inherently violent, unjust, and interrelated.